Belgium Prime Minister, Jack Ma Meet and Discuss eWTP

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Belgium Prime Minister, Jack Ma Meet and Discuss eWTP

Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel and Jack Ma metTuesdayand discussed the Alibaba Group Executive Chairman’s Electronic World Trade Platform initiative.

At the Brussels meeting, Michel expressed interest in Belgium becoming an eWTP partner and promoting its vision, according to a statement.

Alibaba last year launched its first eWTPhub in Malaysia. The eWTP’s aim is to provide small and medium-sized enterprises with the same sort of infrastructure as larger companies to conduct global trade.

Ma, who unveiled his eWTP vision at theGroup of 20 meetingin Hangzhou in 2016, eventually expects to see hubs operating all over the world – digital free-trade zones that wrap in e-commerce, logistics, cloud computing, mobile payments and training. Ideally, governments and the private sector would work hand-in-hand to establish and link up the hubs.

Watch: What you need to know about the eWTP

More may be in the works in Belgium, with the city of Liège under consideration as one of six logistics hubs Cainiao plans to open across the globe.

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